Cooper Russell 1878-1940 Business Manager and Wife of Western Artist Charles M. Russell
Against the backdrop of social and political reform of
the early 1900s, Nancy Cooper Russell was a woman
ahead of her time. A self taught business
woman with the ability to take charge,
Nancy helped Charles M. Russell become the
highest paid living artist of his time. Art
historians consistently give her credit for being the reason
the world has the extraordinary Russell paintings
and sculptures that grace gallery and private
collections today. Who was this remarkable woman behind
the man? Nancy shares the story of her chance
meeting with the Montana cowboy artist who would become her
husband, about the world of art that
celebrated the myth of the west at the beginning of
the 20th century, about the renowned artists and celebrities
the Russells knew as they traveled from NYC to the
growing California suburb called
This is a 45
minute - 1 hour program with time for questions and
discussion. |
"My wife has been an inspiration to me in my work. Without her I would probably have never
attempted to soar or reach any height, further than to make a few pictures for my friends
and old acquaintances . . . I still love and long for the old west, but I would sacrifice
it all for Mrs. Russell."
Charles M. Russell, 1919
"I married the only Charlie Russell in the world, and my life has been full of romance,
which they like to make movies out of, only mine happens to be real."
Nancy Russell, 1924
CLICK HERE for tour of the Mackay Gallery of Russell Art at the Montana
Historical Society led by Nancy Russell